©Kirton News 2025

July / August 2021

The Editors Letter

Hello to you all! Are we out of the woods yet or not? As I write to you, Euro ‘2020’ has just started and it almost, just almost feels like a ‘normal’ Summer again (plus the good weather is finally here)! I have no idea what will happen on 21st June and when you read this, we will know one way or another. But, if it’s not what everyone hoped for, we can only have faith that it is for the greater good.

My Mum and I visited the playground in the grounds of Kirton Town Hall earlier today. Kirton Parish Council have very kindly purchased and dedicated one of the two benches there in honour of my Dad, the late Alan Lee. I wanted to write here in my letter that we are both very humbled and grateful and that we know Dad would really have loved it.

This issue we’re talking to Rebecca Bemrose, former Parish Councillor and very much a Kirton girl! We talk about our local community, what Kirton means to her and her memories of growing up here.

I have a copy of ‘The Church in Kirton & Community News’, the ancestor of Kirton News from July/August 1996! The opening letter from the Parish was penned by Derek Beaumont. Editor at the time was Mrs B Pinder, Secretary was Mrs G Streeter and the Treasurer was Mr G Pinder. We had a riddle submitted by Mr S Naylor and there was also an article where a reader had visited the Black Bull for a bar meal and a pint. They were served by Betty and Ernie Lancaster and the total cost for a meal for two including drinks was £12.35! Richard Thorogood wrote in and said he had completed the London Marathon in 3 hours and 11 minutes and there was a centre page feature on Parker Yachts and Dinghies from Horseshoe Lane. In her letter as Editor, Mrs Pinder mentioned that she had just received a phone call from Counsellor Steve Graves informing her that funding had been granted for a building in Kirton which we now know is the Youth Centre!

These old copies give such a wonderful insight into what a vibrant community we had (and still do have)! I will look through more of these and share some more memories with you in future issues.

One final thing, we’ve included a leaflet from Boston Borough Council on what rubbish should be put in which bin. I know this is such a contentious subject at the moment so that’s all I’m saying on the matter. Please don’t shoot the messenger!!!

I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.



Meet The Locals

This month we're talking to Rebecca Bemrose, former parish Councillor and a true advocate for community service.

1) Tell us a little bit about your background, did you grow up
in Kirton?

I was born in Fishtoft and moved to Kirton when I was 2 years old, My mum Ann Booth lived in Kirton most of her life and my Granny was the matron at the Woodlands after the war. I went to Kirton Playschool, when it was down Kings Street, then onto Kirton Primary School, attending many happy play schemes in the summer and then onto Boston High School. In my teens I joined the Army Cadets in Kirton which paved the way for my early Career with the Armed Forces, although this took me away from Kirton for about 13 years I moved back in 2000 and decided to stay!

2) You were a very dedicated Parish Councillor, what were your best memories of that time/best achievement?

Do you know I have so many but those that will always stay with me would be - leading my village out on Remembrance parade with both my children also in the parade with me and the hubby doing the stewarding(I got the whole family involved!)

Any of the Christmas events – organising and events is my thing, so to do it for the village was amazing for me – 2019 events were the best attended ones and that made me feel proud to be able to make a difference in our community

Having the There but not there “Tommy”” installed at the memorial, the whole council supported when I put the idea forward and I felt it was a really fitting and lasting tribute to our fallen heroes on what was the 100 year anniversary.

3) Thinking about our community, do you have any ideas for improvements or how we can get more people involved/voicing their opinion?

I loved my tenure with the council but definitely made me realise that I want to help my community but that I don’t have to be part of the council to do it.

Look at the Wombles, they are hands down the best community action group that I have seen. They take action and they show some amazing results. We all need to be a bit more “Womble”.

The Parish Council are there to voice the opinions of the community up the chain. The Councillors are volunteers they give their time for free, they come from all walks of life but the one thing they have in common with each other is that they want to make things better for the community they live in.

Support them but also don’t be scared to attend the meetings, listen to what they are deciding about the village, ask them questions, put things forward and if you really don’t like what you hear then please put yourself forward and make that difference

4) What are your hopes for the future of our village?

We are growing as a village so much, we have great community, thriving businesses and amazing people – my biggest hope would be that everyone is respectful to all and everything in this village.



Kirton Church Fund

The June draw takes place on Sunday 27th June and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.

The July draw takes place on Sunday 25th July and the winning numbers will also be printed in the September magazine

June marked the start of our tenth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. How quickly the time has gone! In this time we have raised over £16,000 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members and especially those who have stayed with us from the beginning.

Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! When we draw out the winning numbers each month all the numbers from 1 to 95 are in the box. However 51 of these no longer take part so some months we have to draw several numbers before we get a winner. This was the case in May when we pulled out six numbers of people no longer taking part before our very lucky winners were drawn. Both winners have won before. Congratulations to both of them!

As you will see the prize money is slightly less for May as another member has dropped out. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

April 2021 Winners

1st PRIZE - £42.19 - TICKET NUMBER: 42
2nd PRIZE - £14.06 - TICKET NUMBER: 86

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Kirton Kids Club

Kirton Kids Club is now heading for its 23rd birthday!

We have seen hundreds of children through our doors in that time.

But to be honest the time has gone really quickly and to say twenty three years doesn’t feel possible.

Children enjoy games, sports, toys and socialising with their friends at the club each session.

We open at 7.30 am for the breakfast club sessions and after school club finishes at 5.45 pm.

Children are taken to school in the morning from the club and taken from the school to the club for afternoon sessions.

We try and keep our fees low to enable everyone the chance to access the facility.

The club has its home at the Kirton Youth Centre and enjoy inside and outside space to enable the children as much flexibility and fun as possible.

Breakfast club is £4.00 per child per session and after school is £6.00 per child per session with a 10% discount for related siblings at the same session.

If you need childcare due to work commitments or you would like your child/children to improve on their social skills and meet up with friends or make friends then give us a call on 07583 762072 – we have spaces now and it will give your children the opportunity to enjoy sessions with other children in a big purpose built facility with access to numerous toys and equipment.

Now is the time to book for the new school year too!

If your child/children are starting school this September then please give us a ring and get them a place before they have all gone again – on the number above.


Website: kirtonkidsclub.co.uk

Email Address: kkc09@live.co.uk.


Wyberton Wombles of Boston Common

The Wombles have been busy again during May and June. I am sure you can see the difference in and around our town and our village. Regular visits are made by Wombles to particular areas. These include both parks, Graves Park and Dame Sarah Swift in Church Lane.

The lanes and roads are looking very clean and tidy with much less litter lying around. A lot of work has been done on Drainside with the help of local farmer Andrew Dennis and we were very grateful for his support. Andrew kindly loaned a member of his team along with machinery to help remove long standing rubbish from the drain. The “Kirton Crew” also cleaned up of the area close to Andrew’s farm on Wash Road on a wet and windy day. The clean-up yielded 21 bags plus an assortment of other rubbish like tyres, TV, glass table top, gas cylinders and much more. Andrew kindly laid on refreshments for the crew consisting of tea, coffee, soup and apple pie which was a lovely gesture.

The group are not just litter picking. They are hedge and verge trimming, clearing and sweeping footpaths, using their own lawn mowers, bulb planting and much more. It really is a community effort and one we should all be proud of. Work has been done to tidy up both bus stop areas at the top of Middlegate Road West, bulbs planted and signs cleaned. Work has also been carried out at the bus stop near the Woodlands, with overgrown shrubs and weeds cleared which makes the whole area look much nicer.

There is regular fly tipping of black bags on the front of Hardwick and Dennis Estate. Please be vigilant and report if you see who the culprit is. We suspect it is the same individual doing this. Take a photograph on your mobile phone if you can so it can be followed up. We find a lot of litter is fast food wrappers, drinks cups and wrappers which have obviously been thrown out of car windows, or even when walking, once finished with. Why people just cannot take their litter home is saddening and quite frustrating.

You may wonder where Boston Borough Council are in all this. We are working closely with them and have managed to get regular layby rubbish collections 3 times a week. A team at the Council are working to alleviate fly tipping with cameras being installed in particular hot spots. We are also hopeful to see the Borough Team expand in the near future which will be a great help.

It is especially pleasing to see families out wombling, particularly the primary aged children. They are doing a fantastic job and are really getting on board with looking after their environment. Middlecott School have joined the Wombles and a group of their pupils have already been out into the local area. Seven schools in Boston have signed up also to join the group which we are all really excited about. We are looking at ways to encourage more children to become involved, especially teenagers. We were very fortunate to receive sponsorship for start-up kits for all the schools which consisted of 15 litter pickers and 7 hoops that hold the red bags. Sadly, our local Primary School, Kirton, declined to participate and join the Wombles.

Several bigger clean ups have been completed closer to Boston. In Wyberton you may have seen the newly painted bush shelters which look amazing. A group of Wombles recently got together to clean the War Memorial in Wide Bargate, a little-known area alongside John Adams Way and Redstone Industrial Estate. The Memorial in the village was also cleared by Wombles by doing sweeping and weeding of the pathway and surrounding fences.

We have a weekly Tuesday morning Womble by the “Kirton Crew”. We have managed to cover a lot of Kirton, Sutterton and into Wigtoft. We would like to thank Rainbow Garden Centre for allowing up to park our vehicles when we have been working along London Road towards Sutterton. Also, thanks to Jack and Nikita for donating bulbs to plant on the verges. The Wombles have been in action since the beginning of February 2021 and now has 1200 members. Not all 1200 are Wombling, some are keeping up to date on what the group is doing, supporting by offering materials and there are some Wombling without posting on the group. Every little helps though in our efforts to keep our towns and villages free from litter. We have had some signs made which are being posted in particular popular areas for fly tipping which we hope people will consider before leaving more rubbish.

If you see any area you think would benefit from a clean-up, please do get in touch via the Womble Facebook page or call Steve on 07595 635891.


What are we going
to do with the children?

Believe it or not, the school summer holidays are upon us at the end of July. Finding new ideas to keep the children entertained can be a challenge, especially after having them at home so often over the last year. Thinking ahead, doing a bit of research and creating a plan or timetable of activities to keep the kids occupied can help to take some of the stress out of this time.

Read on for fun ideas you could try and enjoy a stress-free summer holiday with the family.

Get outdoors

We’ve all experienced the blessing that is the great outdoors during the lockdown, and with the weather looking good, getting out and about over the summer is a no brainer.

• Make packed lunches and take the kids on a nature hike. There are activity sheets you can download online to help get the kids hunting.

• Create a treasure hunt in the garden or check out geocaching.com – both fun activities for zero cost.

• Get in touch with your local Friends of Park group and take part in a community litter pick.

• Get together with friends and organise a mini sports day followed by a group picnic.

Get crafty

For those days when the weather isn't too great, it’s good to have some ideas of activities you can do indoors.

• If you’re planning a mini sports day, get the kids making medals, score sheets, and maybe some bunting out of leftover fabric.

• Kids often have their own unique sense of style so customising their old clothes can be a fun way to let their creativity loose. This can be enjoyable for kids of all ages – and adults too! Search for upcycling tips online.

• Get the kids making temporary tattoos out of paper, perfume and water – you’ll find loads of tutorial videos on YouTube to show you how.

Get adventuring

With many places reopening with limited numbers, it pays to plan a trip in advance. Theme parks and zoos can be an expensive day out for a family, but there are ways to cut some of the costs.

• Travel by train. Check out daysoutguide.co.uk/uk-days-out for various deals.

• Look out for discount vouchers on products in the supermarket.

• Bring the zoo to you with Chester Zoo’s official YouTube channel. Create that fun adventure vibe by setting up a blanket in the living room and having a picnic lunch.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management education, job clubs, life skills groups and more. Visit capuk.org to find out more or contact the local centre manager Hannah on hannahhollingworth@capuk.org 07947 621899.


A Parson’s Tale at Kirton ‘97
Memories Of Rural Touring

In February 1997 my wife Joy and I embarked on a tour of my one-man show A PARSON’S TALE for Lincolnshire Rural and Community Touring, visiting a number of villages such as Harpswell and Hemswell, Allington, Castle Bytham, Tetford and Helpringham. It was a new adventure for us.

In the Spring that year we came to Kirton where we played in the Town Hall (lunch set up B&B) and continued on to villages such as Wrangle, Grainthorpe and (to Caistor).

We took the show throughout Nottinghamshire, North Yorkshire, Norfolk, Cumbria, Somerset, Cornwall, Kent. Thereon to Cyprus and the Gulf States.

In the UK, we would stay in B&B’s or hospitality, we’d have lunch, our main meal of the day, at a pub (such as The Wheatsheaf Inn at Kirton) and would arrive at our venue for that day at 3.30 pm, set up the lights, the simple set, perform at 7.30.pm, strike the set and lights, get back to where we were staying. Next morning, off we’d go again.

People ask us what decided us to tour as we did. We were both is our 60’s. (I’m now 84 – no more touring for me!). I’d been doing well as an actor featuring in in the 1990’s in the BBC House of Cards, Sharpe’s Honour, Men Behaving Badly, Minder, etc. But, as with actors generally, there came a period when there was less interesting work on offer. I’d been interested in the social history of 19th Century parsons, did a lot of research and put together my play.

At a later date I put together Right ho, Wodehouse! which Joy and I toured extensively.

I retired as an actor a few years ago, and have continued writing with modest success, my plays performed, my stories in magazines and anthologies. And now my book America Awaits Us, My Lovely and Other Stories has been published by Troubador, available in bookshops, online retailers and from Troubador Publishers. Book link which includes my acting and writing CVs.

Of all my 55 + years working as an actor these tours hold a special place in our hearts.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
April 2021 - via video conference


Councillors: Cllr I Cole, Councillors: S Watson, P Watson (and Borough), C Brotherton, G Cole, D Danby, L O’Connor., S Wright, J Skinner, J Shelton, A Austin (County), Also Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

Cllr P Watson declared that he wanted to record the meeting. He was asked what he was going to do with the recording and said that he wanted to upload it to YouTube. Some members and the Clerk were not happy about this. The Clerk has taken advise on this and as this course of action is not within policy at this time she will write a policy for the next meeting.

A representative from Playdale attended. He was happy to answer questions. Members asked some questions regarding the quotation he had provided to the Recreation Committee. The Chairman said that if anyone had any further questions, they could email them to the Clerk and she would collate and send them on to the rep.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. He stated that the meeting was being recorded and if any member or resident wanted a copy, they could contact him and he would share it.

The Chairman commented that the meeting had been postponed from last week due to the death of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. A minute’s silence was held.

66-21 Apologies for absence and reason given

Apologies were received from Cllrs Brookes and his reason for absence were accepted.

67-21 Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllrs I and G Cole declared that they are married to each other.

Cllr P Watson is on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will not take part in discussions on planning applications.

Cllr S Watson declared an interest in that her husband, Cllr P Watson is on the planning committee at Boston Borough Council.

52-21 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

After Cllrs P Watson, S Watson, C Brotherton and S Wright objected to minute number 56-21, an amendment was made. Members then unanimously accepted the notes of the meetings held on 3rd March, 10th March and 18th March, all previously circulated. These will form the minutes.

Police Matters

There were no Police attending, however, PCSO Williams had emailed the Clerk a report of recorded crimes since the last meeting which are:

1 x public order offence on Eleven Acre Lane – under investigation

1 x assault on Marketstead Estate, under investigation

1 x assault on Hardwick Estate, under investigation.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

No public attended

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council from/to County/Borough Councillors

Cllr Austin reported the following:

Horseshoe Lane – One small area has been done but due to priority being given to other works the remainder of Horseshoe Lane footpath has not been done.

The drainage scheme for High Street and Green Lane is progressing, the design stage is ongoing.

A resident had reported to Cllr Austin that he had fallen on Willington Road, the path where he fell has now been fixed.

Dog fouling was reported on Middlecott Road by a resident. Cllr Austin said she would mention it to the Parish Council as it is not a County Council matter.

Cllr Brookes in his absence sent in a report. He reported that the barrier on High Street on the exit from the Churchyard is now in place.

He also reported that with regards to Priestly Close/Penny gardens/ Willington Road flooding issues, a site meeting with Black Sluice to progress the scheme is still being arranged.

Cllr P Watson reported that following up from a request by Cllr G Cole, he can confirm that households are allowed to apply for more than one purple lid bin. Cllr G Cole reported that not all residents have received these bins – Cllr Watson will follow this up at the Borough.

Cllr S Watson asked on progress with Skeldyke Road signs. Cllr Austin replied that unfortunately there is a huge backlog on this type of order and she cannot get it moved any quicker.

Cllr Shelton asked is there a priorities list which would enable parishes to see where there works requests are on a list. Cllr Austin will ask if this is possible of the County Council.

Cllr P Watson reported that a resident had complained about the amount of dog mess on Kirton Marsh bank he has asked the enforcement officer to visit.


Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated April 2021/22 (1 of 12)

It was resolved that the payments should be made plus an additional payment of £60 for the gutter clean at the Town Hall. This item was not on the payment sheet.

It was also unanimously agreed to pay the Clerk an additional 2 hours due to the last minute postponement of the Council Meeting.

The Clerk and Cllr S Watson will arrange a meeting regarding the insurance for the Council.

Report from minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

30.11.18 Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair.

Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.

03.12.18 LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further. 21.02.19 Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

18.04.19 Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done

08.08.19 The update on the LCC site is:This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.

01.03.21 This work has not yet been done.

21.08.2020 Clerk contacted Cllr Austin following on from a request from Cllr S Watson to chase up the signage issue at Skeldyke Road. Cllr Austin has raised this again with Highways Manager and is waiting to find out when it will be done. 23.12.20 Preliminary enquiries made regarding obtaining land for allotments.

12.01.21 Contacted various bodies with regards to obtaining land for allotments. As of yet no success. Query made to Borough Council for further information.

10-03-2021 Ongoing due to waiting for legal clarification as to whether the land Already allocated to the Parish Council can be used for Allotment Land (wording of the land registry title deeds)

15.02.21 Still unable to follow up getting quotations for the War Memorial Pillars and brickwork/point due to Covid restrictions.

15.02.21 Requested a warrant be issued with Money Claim Online To recover monies paid to contractor who didn’t do fencing.

19-03-21 Report from resident that the Ashwood Homes development has been

Draining water from the site and this has culminated in mud and slurry now partially blocking the drain plus leaving mud and debris on the road

(Woodside Road). Reported to LCC ref 392386. LCC reported back to say They have reported this on to Black Sluice, LCC will monitor the mud.

31-03-21 Resident reported light outside 32 Hemington Way is out. Reported to LCC report no 393605. New report from LCC – FIXED.

58-21 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a. Lincolnshire County Council – New DEFRA local authority treescape fund launched with £2.7 million available for funding to encourage new tree planting in non-woodland settings. Full criteria will be published soon and closing date for applications is 31st May 2021

b) Environment Agency – sent routine maintenance fact sheet.

c) Lincolnshire County Council – Pre-order consultation: Proposed extinguishment of Swineshead Public Footpath number 16 – Amber Hill Public Footpath 8 and Kirton Public Footpath 10 – this was emailed to members last month and comments asked for by end of the month. Nothing heard.

d) Royal British Legion – 100 year anniversary. The RBL would like to erect a flagpole at the War Memorial (permanent one, not temporary as it is now) plus place a flagstone within the memorial area.

e) Father Dumitru replies to concerns regarding the number of worshipers who are at the Chapel on Boston Road for Sunday service. He said that the 2 m rule within the Chapel is adhered to and all must wear masks. He said that there is to be no mixing between households within the Chapel. All participants are booked in advance and names and phone numbers recorded. The service is being broadcast for those who cannot attend. He said however, that despite warnings, some worshippers that are not booked in for the service are still gathering before the service to meet up with friends. He has stated that they are following all Government guidelines.

It does not seem as though guidelines are being adhered to despite Father Dumitru’s assurances. It was resolved that as landlords for the Chapel we have a duty to ask the Police to follow this up. Clerk to ask Police to investigate.

f) A resident had requested that she be allowed to repaint the bench outside Woodlands. It was resolved that the Clerk should (with agreement from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman) be delegated the authority to allow such work requests in the future to enable this sort of gesture to be approved without waiting for full council’s permission.

Town Hall

Cllr Danby reported that all of the exterior doors have now been replaced that were planned for.

The Town Hall will open for the elections on the 6th May but will not fully open for some time yet.


Cllr Shelton has removed all the wreaths but there is still some rubbish which will be removed soon. He asked whether the council could insist that all wreaths in future are eco friendly so that they can be put in the brown bins and recycled. Members agreed with this and notices will be put up prior to this Christmas period to hopefully cut the number of plastic based wreaths and wreaths with plastic flowers.

Parish Matters

Cllr O’Connor reported that she had been approached by a resident who wants to work with the youths in the village in various ways. He wants to attend next month’s meeting but wondered what support he would get from the Parish Council.

Cllr Danby thanked Cllrs O’Connor and Wright for their work getting Playdale to visit. It has given the Recreational Spaces Committee ground to work from.

Cllr G Cole asked whether the Parish Council could supply litter pickers for Kirton Holme area. She was advised to go to the Wombles first to see what they suggested as they are getting offers of sponsorship coming in from all angles at the moment.

a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting

The staffing committee had met since the last meeting. The Clerk’s appraisal had been discussed. The Clerk has resigned the role of Responsible Financial Officer. This needs to be advertised. The Clerk will write an advert for the role.

It was resolved that as the role will now split into two, it was time to update equipment and as such the council will need to purchase laptops etc. It was resolved that the Staffing Committee/Finance Committee will be pre-approved to spend up to £2000 for this equipment.

b) Allotment’s update

The Clerk is still awaiting clarification as to whether agricultural land is ok to use for allotments.

Cllr P Watson has not yet identified any potential land owners with land for sale, but is hoping to after the elections. He and Cllr Brotherton will approach land owners.

Reports for Various Bodies

Nothing to report

Planning applications

B-21-0143 – Erection of straw store at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B-21-0144 – Erection of straw store at The Holmes, Holmes Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B-21-0118 – Change of use of land from agricultural use to residential use and the erection of a garage and a maintenance equipment store at The Farm Yard, Mill Lane, Kirton End – NO OBJECTIONS

B-21-0149 – Formation of an additional highway access at 2 Thorney Lane, Frampton – NO OBJECTIONS

B-21-0158 – Proposed horse walker for up to four horses at Holly Cottage, Drainside North, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B-21-0170 – Change of use from dwelling to storage & distribution (Class B8) at Dent Cottage, 7 Willington Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Determined Applications

B-21-0033 – Single Storey side extension onto previous extension at 3 Chapelgate, Kirton End – GRANT

Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date & Time of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 20th May 2021 at Main Hall, Kirton Town Hall beginning at the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting which will begin at 6 pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm.